National Masturbation Month
Upon discovering that May had been declared a nationally recognized month in which pleasuring oneself is publicly encouraged, Mistress put me to task. I am to have one orgasm per day. Woe is me, right? But for someone like me who very rarely masturbates, it's a lovely treat for which I'm grateful.
More than the obvious awesome reason to masturbate, I also want to take this time to focus on the other reasons why it does a body good. An article in Best Health had six reasons why masturbation is good for your health. Here they are summarized:
1. Masturbation relieves stress
Dopamine and endorphins are released. I don't know about you, but those motherfuckers make me feel really damn good. There have been days in which I can barely catch my breath. Any stress that can be lifted off my shoulders is blessing.
2. Masturbation eases menstrual cramps
Turns out that the hormones released during sexual activity actually help ease pain. Maybe not one of the sexiest reasons to masturbate, but definitely a fantastic byproduct.
3. Masturbation puts you in touch with your sexuality
This one resonated with me. I never really understood my sexuality growing up and into my twenties. I always felt strange because I didn't rave about orgasms like other people did. Probably because I didn't have them very frequently. It has only been a few years since I truly started to enjoy my body and got to know what allows me to experience pleasure on a deeper level.
4. Masturbation can help you achieve orgasm during intercourse
My assumption is that the more you know yourself, the easier it is to communicate your likes and dislikes to a lover. I think this goes hand in hand with the above.
5. Masturbation keeps your motor running
Apparently a "prolonged dry spell can make it more difficult to achieve erections or lubrication". Jesus Christ, I hope this is not truly the case.
6. Masturbation can help with insomnia
So those endorphins I mentioned earlier actually act as a sleeping pill. You're presumably in bed, relaxed and maybe mega pleased with yourself.
As I curl up, I think of the next few evenings and hope I can track how a month of masturbating actually changes me.
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